I have decided to make it a goal to post at least once a week, even if it is a recipe I don't think is spectacular. No more extended breaks, you all deserve better than that.
Tonight's recipe was actually made over a week ago, but I am just getting around to sharing with you. This is a simple and quick recipe I picked up through one of Harmon's cooking classes. It's a great way to use tofu and I think even tofu naysayers can get along with this recipe.
The most important thing about cooking with tofu is to remember is to prep your tofu. You want Extra Firm for this recipe, but Firm works too. Set it in a bowl or large dish lined with paper towels or a clean, absorbent kitchen towel. Place a plate on top with weight on it (like a few cans of food or a brick). Let the tofu squeeze out over the course of a day, preferably, but even a couple of hours will help. The more liquid you get out of the tofu, the more room there is for flavor absorption!
A suggestion for my fellow meateaters: If you really can't stand tofu I think this recipe would be fantastic with ground pork or even shrimp!
Here's a great tip that I learned in that same class, it's the best way I've ever seen to peel fresh ginger root. Use the edge of a spoon to scrape off the ginger peel. It's safe, easy and gets in all the nooks and crannies better than any knife without losing any of the tasty flesh. Trust me, you'll never use a knife to peel ginger again.
Now that your tofu is prepped, get your knife out and get ready for a lot of chopping:
Spicy Tofu Lettuce Wraps
2 teaspoons Canola Oil
1 medium onion, diced
1 Tablespoon Fresh Ginger, minced (I like extra ginger, up to 2 TBSP.)
1 Tablespoon Lemongrass, minced (if you can't find any, just skip this)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 pound Extra Firm tofu (prepped), crumbled
8 ounces Water Chestnuts, drained and chopped
4 Tablespoons Soy Sauce
4 Tablespoons Hoisin, Plum or Oyster Sauce (Plum Sauce would be vegan friendly.)
2 teaspoons Sriracha sauce (the Asian hot sauce with a rooster on the bottle. )
16 Leaves Butter Lettuce, washed and dried
Optional Garnishes
Grated carrot
Chopped green onion
Chopped fresh Mint
Chopped peanuts
Hoisin, plum or peanut sauces
Fresh citrus wedges ( to squeeze over wraps)
In a large skillet heat the oil and saute the onions, ginger, garlic and lemongrass over medium high heat for about 3 minutes. Add the tofu and water chestnuts, cook until heated through. Add the sauces, bring to a boil and transfer to a large serving bowl. Have the garnishes set out with the lettuce leaves and make your wraps to your taste.
As I mentioned earlier plum sauce would also make this recipe vegan friendly, most Hoisin should be as well. I believe most plum sauces are gluten-free as well, but if you are gluten sensitive always read labels carefully!
Well, I can't eat spicy foods, but Erik can. I'll have to show this to him.